Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Day 1 of 365 Day Juicing Challenge

So for years I have wanted to try juicing a sweet potato, and today happened to be the day.  Let me begin and end by saying YUM!

Pineroot Juice

2 sweet potato
2 carrots
3/4 pineapple - fresh (just in case you were considering the canned ;-) )
3 green apples

Rich in Beta Carotene, folic acid, vitamin C & E, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, pectin, quercetin

If you are giving the juice to your kids pour about 3/4's of a cup juice and 1/4 spring or RO water.

We use and recommend  organic produce always but do understand this is not in every one's budget, so please if using regular produce make sure you are using a vegetable/fruit cleaner on them prior to juicing.  Again I do recommend organic produce.  Always remember to check your prices, most grocery stores now carry fairly competitively priced organic vs. non organic produce.  During the summer months check out your local farmers, fresh, clean, and local is always the best.  Growing your own produce free of chemicals, using ancestral seeds is the number 1 way to get your produce.

We will be blogging a lot this spring and summer about our gardening adventures, and if you have known me for a while you know that this has all been very new to me the past few years. I love the harvest, and am amazing at growing organic weeds and dandelions! AMAZING AT IT.  ha ha.  This year we are making it a family affair, as well as bringing in some friends to help us with the upkeep. I am sure you are envisioning this as being a fairly normal sized garden plot... ha ha.  If you have met my handy hubby you will know that NOTHING he does is small. Our little plot will this year work out to 2/3 of an acre. ha ha.  We have also been working on growing fruit trees and berry patches throughout the acreage.  We are having a constant battle with our local voles, squirrels, and slithering garden snakes (which I am super happy pretending do not exist). Anyhow I have somehow managed to slightly digress. ha ha.

Thank you for following Modish Monkeys.  This is a SUPER exciting year for me and for us, I have spent the last three years in school learning to take our lifestyle to the next level. We have been making the changes for over 6 years now, it is definitely not something that just happened overnight, the process is about baby steps, made as a family. This isn't just a lifestyle for us, it is a way of life.  Food is not just a thing you put in your mouth to appease the growling monster inside of you.  Food is everything. I look so forward to being on this journey with you, here is to a healthier 2014.

If you have any questions about the daily juicing or would like some more information about nutritional consulting we offer please feel free to email me at

Happy January 1st.


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