Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Day 7 ~ 365 Day Juicing Challenge

So I decided to pull out the big camera and take a better picture of our daily juice creation, which seemed like a great idea until I realized we have 3 different lenses and I have NO idea what they do. I am a turn on, point, and click type photographer... my hubby is the aspiring photographer. We actually had to buy a second Canon Rebel because he would NEVER let me get behind the lense. Now we don't have to share. This process today lead me to discover that our camera's had not been uploaded in over a year. I know, bad.  So after homeschooling, juicing, clean up, playing with camera's and lenses I decided to take a quick trip through our last year. Man have the kids ever changed!

We took a family holiday this summer to a place I have ALWAYS wanted to go... Salt Spring Island.  It is a challenge for us to travel with the kids due to the fact that I have to pretty much pack every snack, meal, drink, and yes, the vitamix. ha ha.  We also need access to organic grocery stores, and stay in accommodations which have full kitchens. We do not ever cheat with the kids, their health depends on our consistency. Needless to say, for us Salt Spring Island was like a little oasis.  Organic grocery stores, we even ate a few meals at local organic/clean restaurants. The lifestyle there definitely fit what we look for in a holiday, and the fact that we didn't have to fly there... well that was just icing on the cake. I can definitely say that we will go back one day, actually I think at a few different points Dave and I looked at each other and remarked... "why do we live in Alberta... right work". lol. Salt Spring Island is a place we would definitely return to for a family get away. Just don't forget your wallet cause it sure wasn't cheap... lol. But overall an excellent place to take children with allergies and very supportive of an organic clean lifestyle.
The best organic vegan cafe in this little village... mmm.

Back to juicing.

So my main man Hudson decided he wanted to do his own juice today. He asked me to share his creation on the blog as well as someone may like his better than mine ;-). I think my kids aren't far off earning their own Nutritionist designation... he was telling me all the health benefits to his juice as he made it, and ya know he was 99% dead on. Not bad for 7 years old. ha ha.

Hudson's Monkey Juice

1 orange
2 apples
1 pear
1 golden beet
2 carrots

He wanted me to tell you this blend is very good for the immune system, and for your eyes. Love that kid. Chloe mentioned that it is good but needed less carrots, like none. ha ha. Little nut.

Hudson's Monkey Juice and mine on the right. ;-)

My juice is inspired by the documentary Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, a brilliant documentary that follows the life of Joe after he decides to reclaim his life and take his health into his own hands.  Following his physical and emotional changes while on a juicing fast and driving across the USA sharing his story and talking to others about health, lifestyle and Juicing Fasts.  Brilliant show.

You can find the movie here Fat Sick and Nearly Dead

The Fat Sick and Nearly Dead inspired Juice
3 apples
5 carrots
1/2 pear
1/2 golden beet
6 to 8 kale leaves
3 big handfuls of spinach
1inch ginger
*I added 1tsp of Spirulina powder as well*

If you have a juicer that doesn't handle greens. Juice everything but the greens, combine greens and juice in a high powdered blend and blend. mmm.

After a week straight of juicing every day, I can feel a need to move to more vegetable based blends. I can tell I am needing a break from the fruit for a few days so tomorrows blend with be a vegetable cocktail... a salad in a cup. It is actually way yummier than it sounds. lol.

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