Saturday, January 11, 2014


The one down fall of living in the country is A) winter driving and B) Rural internet.  It drives me nuts. lol.  So here is the last two days juicings.

Suprising Cabbage Aid
1/2 Pineapple 
1 thick slice of white cabbage
1 inch of ginger root
1 small bunch of fresh mint

Pineapple contains bromelain (a natural substance that helps digestion), cabbage soothes the stomach lining and ginger calms the digestive tract - an all-round gut tonic. 
*The big Book of Juices, by Natalie Savona

We loved this one, was right up there with the purple cabbage juice... YUMMY! 

Deep Cleanse
2 apples
2 large kale leaves
1 stick of celery
1/3 long english cucumber
1/2 beet root.

This one was delicious the flavour and sweetness offset the stronger taste of the kale. It was wonderful and refreshing. I have never juiced a cucumber before, it gave a delightful compliment to the beet. The color was as wonderful as the taste. 

I know I have mentioned this in one of the first juicing blogs but you are always best to juice with organic produce to get the full benefit of flavour and nutrients.  As well make sure you are thoroughly washing the produce with a good vegetable and fruit wash.  We don't want of those nasty chemicals contaminating your beautiful juicing, smoothy or vegetable creations.  

We are sitting here watching A Place At The Table, a documentary on Netflix about the 49 million people in the USA who have insufficient food.  I needed that reminder that not everyone in our country or our neighbours country have financial or locational access to food, real food.  Organics isn't even a thought.  I get frustrated at times that a weekly grocery shopping trip for me includes 4 stops at local grocery stores in our two small towns to be able to provide my family a 100% organic diet. I complain about the cost that I have to pay for that food.  I should feel so beyond blessed for the fact that I have access or the ability to grow and raise EVERYTHING my family needs to maintain a clean organic diet.  Reality check we are blessed beyond words. BEYOND WORDS! 

I ask you to remember to be thankful for the ability to grow food and have access to fresh beautiful foods. The ability to choose what we feed our children, organic or not.  There are so many in our communities, provinces and country who can't afford the basics day to day. If you can please remember your local food banks, shelters, or your neighbour. People struggle everyday... maybe tomorrow will be a day to pay it forward, buy a homeless person a sandwich, drop some food to a family you know is struggling, take a meal to someone who is sick. What is small to you may be huge to them.  

I am so grateful for the ability and availability of fresh, organic foods to feed my little monkeys, and I wish and hope nothing but the same for you!


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