Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What are you doing today to improve your tomorrow, and 3 days of juicing.

Part of my beginnings (my word for 2014) is to start exercising regularly. Weight is not something that has been a major concern for me in life, I can hear most of your comments as you read this, and trust me I get it. As most people do or have struggled with weight at some point in life, I have had the opposite problem in life.  And yes, contrary to what you may think it has been a problem.  I fight to keep the weight on.  My metabolism works in overdrive. When I am physically active I have to REALLY focus on maintaining enough proteins, fat (the healthy kind of course), carbohydrates to maintain my weight.  I have never been active physically in any way, I grew up water skiing and downhill skiing, occasionally golfing, and that is about the extent of it. My parents were not really physically active, my mom had a regular shopping practice, lots of focused walking... tee hee hee... sorry mom. ;-) and my dad, well, I got my metabolism and love of sports (or lack of) from him. lol. 

Being in school for nutrition and learning about the long term affects of a sedentary lifestyle is enough to make anyone think.  I have always envied my friends who are physically fit and active.  I imagine when they brush their teeth their bum doesn't jiggle to the vibration of the electric toothbrush... yes, I just said that.  ha ha. 

I have always had a love for Yoga and Pilate's.  I discovered these after a rather serious car accident in 2000.  I was involved in 5 car accidents over 6 years, all of which I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. and yes, the universe did finally get my attention on the last one. ha ha. My physical body was a mess, as was my health. I have always been prone to catch anything and everything.  I was always exhausted... like I mean, constantly tired. I have always suffered from REALLY poor circulation in my extremities, and poor digestion.  I have terribly beat up liver (and not from copious amounts of alcohol... lol) I picked up a virus when I lived overseas which damaged my liver. Always good to bring something home with you right... lol. The poor liver was further deteriorated by copious amounts of pain killers and sleeping pills from the early accidents.  Needless to say Pilate's and Yoga were wonderful for the gentle beginnings and not inflaming or irritating my already irritated body. 

Needless to say my motivation for exercise and becoming physically fit is not only about improving circulation, detoxification, and overall well being. It is also about finding my centre, doing it for me, being an example to my children, 100% walking my talk, and curbing cravings for unhealthy habits which I have also fought.  Need clear open lungs to be able to really get your sweat on.  I have always fought with confidence and my body, being skinny doesn't make you confident in your skin...TRUST ME! Exercising is my way of taking pride in the body I was given, pushing it to its limits and working towards optimal health.  It is also a great way to relieve stress, and as a person with some OCD tendencies (OK,  a lot), a homeschooling mom who is also trying to balance a new career/ purpose in life, and wife to a husband who is gone 14 hours a day at work, I need all the stress relief I can get.  lol

I have decided it is time to take a sledge hammer to the dust collected on the equipment downstairs and find myself, the part of me I have never met... forget pushed to the limits.  Today was the third day I jumped on the treadmill, I lasted 30 minutes, yup, was so impressed with myself.  And to the people who are reading this who know me well. BOOOOYA! That's right.  I have had pain and irritation in my calves for about 4 days, and have known it is circulatory, varicose veins run on both sides of my family. blahhhh.  I gave it my all this morning and wouldn't you know the pain in my calves is completely gone. Go figure. I am planning a regular routine of yoga 3 nights a week, and regular cardio for a minimum of 30 minutes 5 days per week. Once I learn how to use the fancy weights machine, I will also add that in after the cardio. This has been hugely rewarding this week as I usually hate exercise, I think my exact words have been, "I would rather chew my own toes off". I have actually enjoyed it and loved the way it has made me feel. 

 For me this isn't about weight loss, it is about reaching optimal health, being an example for my family, and an ability to walk the talk completely for my clients.  Exercise is just as important as food, it is just as important as your thoughts.  Working out is just as important as meditation. 

 What are you showing your children, are you sedentary or are you active? I have had years of excuses.

What is your favorite physical activity? What is your favorite way to work out?

If you enjoy yoga but like me can't get to a studio due to hubbies hours and kids check into Gaiam Tv.
The channel is like Netflix but for Yoga, Pilate's, exercise videos, and a huge collections of lifestyle movies, documentaries, and TV series on health and well being mind body and spirit.  Anyhow their collection of yoga and Pilate's videos will leave you wanting for nothing.  We use the family and kids ones as well.  My favorite one for the evening is the AM & PM Meditation yoga.

Get out there today and do just one thing to increase your heart rate, even if it is just carrying the basket of laundry up and down the stairs 5 to 10 times. You don't need a gym or fancy equipment to get fit... go for a walk and take it the beautiful blue sky above you and the song of the birds fill your soul. 


4 Apples
1/2 tsp of cinnamon

Was wonderfully simple, the kids loved it.

4 Carrots
2 Beets
3 Oranges

I loved this one. It was filling, refreshing, and a wonderful snack in a cup. Great Immune building combination high in Beta Carotene. 

1 English Cucumber
3 apples
1 beet

I mean who can fight the amazing colour and taste of a beet right!

Tomorrow i am venturing in to the vegetable only juices... I am trying my hand and taste buds with broccoli in the juicer.  Going to be interesting. lol.

Happy Hump Day All!


What are you doing today to improve your tomorrow?

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