Saturday, February 1, 2014

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies... Modish Monkeys Style.

So I am sitting here sipping on my Yerba Mocha Latte, in a quiet, clean (if you have young kids/husband, you know these are cherished moments) house. Munching on the worlds yummiest cookies... could possibly be because I created the recipe... lol.  No really, they really are good. lol. Thinking how blessed I am to have a day to myself, at home, to plough through some work, do some catch-up, and take some time for me. This is not something that happens often, especially when my hubby is working the weekend. I have been listening online to an Integrative Nutrition Conference, inspired by some of the speakers, my passion reignited, and redirected to my initial focus and passion... our kids, and today's mom's.  Although you men are wonderful and your health fascinates me as well, there is a cycle of health in families that begins and ends with moms/ or the chef in the house. And you all inspire me so much, especially being that I am one of you ;-)

As a mom, I find one of the hardest things, in regards to cooking, is healthy yummy snacks, ones the kids like.  I am sharing this recipe today, because I just made a batch the other day with the help of my 5 & 7 year old, and they are delish! Let me know what you think.  They are gluten free, egg free, casein free, and nut free.


1 c Raw Coconut Oil
1 c Coconut Palm Sugar
1/4 c Maple Syrup (or Agave, Brown Rice Syrup or Raw Honey)
2 Large Flax Eggs (2tbsp of ground flax mixed with 6tbsp H2O mix to gel)*
2 tsp Vanilla

1 1/2 c Coconut Flour
1 tsp Baking Soda
3/4 tsp Xanthan Gum
1/2 tsp  Sea Salt
1/4 c Raw Chocolate Chips (Vegan) or Cocoa Nibs
1/4 c Hemp Hearts
3 c Gluten Free Oats 
1/2 tbsp Cinnamon

Heat oven to 350c

Add oil and palm sugar in mixing bowl and whip for a minute, just until mixed. Add remaining wet ingredients, and mix just till blended. 
Add all dry ingredients in separate bowl, and mix
Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and mix till blended... will be quite thick.

I scoop the mix into my hand roll into a ball and flatten just a bit to flat

Bake for 10 minutes
Take out and let sit on pan for approx 5 minutes to cool before moving
Makes approximately 30 medium sized cookies.

Hope you enjoy!

Modish Monkeys Holistic Nutrition. 
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dozen chickens to go feed... lol. 

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