Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What Were Your First Steps of Change.... and 3 Days of Juicing

Our food journey began in 2007 after watching our 1 year old baby boy deal with eczema from the time he was born.  We had tried the, lather this cortisone cream on three times a day and the problem will be solved.... it always worked to eliminate the rashes which covered pretty much the biggest part of his cute happy little body. Problem was the second I stopped using the creams the rash returned almost instantly.

Onto google I went neurotically searching for side effects to the cream I was using, to which all I can say is I cried hard and threw the lotion out instantly. I also become a parent FBI researching the rash.  I came across a few very informative sites which helped me link together the possibility that there could be a cause to the rash... ahhhh, food.

At this time in our lives, we were all about the best of everything, money.  Consumerism was a passion of ours.  Definitely not into organics or anything alternative, forget alternative treatments for our little man. All that changed with all the information I was taking in on a daily basis.  I quite my job as a successful Commercial Realtor and pursued a career in being a full time mom.  I started creating a daily tracking diary to try and identify anything child was reacting too.

First thing we completely eliminated was Gluten... and from there casien, eggs, yeast, refined sugar, all processed refined foods, GMO'S. This also lead to us seeing a Nutritionist, and Naturopath. The start of Modish Monkeys, my returning to school to get a designation in Nutrition. Our going COMPLETELY organic. Moving to the country to be able to provide a cleaner life for our children. Raising chickens, maintaining a 3/4 acre organically grown from ancestral heritage seed garden, and homeschooling. We are completely concious of everything that goes into and onto our families bodies, the air we breath, the quality of water we drink, the environment our children are raised in. Our main focus in life, now, is to limit our footprint, and help create a better world for our children to raise their children.  My main goal as a mom, is my own health and happiness, my husbands, and my beautiful children's health and happiness. Our main goal as a family is our wellbeing, emotionally and physically.

That first elimination, Gluten, was the first step in a life changing experience. An experience I am so thankful for! Do I wish my child had to go through all he has had to, hell no!

 I am thankful it woke us up and pushed us into action! That has been the biggest blessing.

Taking that first step in changing your eating habits or lifestyle can be daunting.  It is all about baby steps... one foot after another. We didn't do it over night, and never did I ever dream we come this far.

Whether you just want healthier habits, are overweight, have arthritis, have addiction issues, auto-immune dis-ease, depression, bipolar, irritable bowel syndrome, or have children dealing with today's multiple health epidemics (ADHD, ADD, OCD, Autism, spectrum disorders, asthma, allergies, eczema... and on and on), and the list goes on.  One step is all it can take to start the process, start your journey, start writing your story.  The process is only as effective as your dedication and motivation for change.  You are worth the very best life has to offer, your story is an inspiration, your strength - wow.

Your body will thank you.

Your family will thank you!

 Try doing one thing today.

 What will that one thing be?

Watch for our new changes as a family. We are completely removing sugar (currently all we use is coconut palm sugar, honey, and maple syrup) from our diets in the next two weeks, as well as further modifying our diets to deal with Toxic overload, Candida, repair the gut, and repopulate our beneficial flora. Temporarily removing some whole grains, pasta, and some beans. What one needs in our house, we all do together.

Please share your stories....

Juicing Challenge

1 Pineapple
1/2 Fennel Bulb
4 Apples

4 Apples,
3 Kale Leaves
2 Celery
1/2 Cucumber
2 beets
3 Purple Cabbage Leaves

2 Oranges
1 Lemon
4 Carrots
1/4 Pineapple
2 Beets
2 Celery
1 inch of Ginger

I should also mention that all Juicing recipes are enough for 4 glasses with the Hurom Juicer.

Have an amazing day all!


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